Auction Win

When you need to acquire a vehicle you usually check in with your local dealers or auctions. But, more often than not, getting the exact vehicle you want can be tough. Sometimes it is too expensive at the dealership. Or maybe your local auctions don’t have the specific model, color or features that you are looking for.
That is when you might need to start looking further for your ideal auto. You may find your ideal car in another city or state.
Usually, and especially when you are on a budget, the most economical option is to search for your ideal car at auctions.
Why Auctions?
Auctions have become more and more common in recent years. In part, thanks to the popularity of online auction sites. For example, you can find great deals at eBay Motors, Auction Auto Mall, or
With these platforms, it might be easier for you to finally find your ideal vehicle. And that is great news! The only problem could be transporting it from wherever it is to your location. After all, it can be hundreds of miles or more from your home.
Fortunately, Richmond Auto Transport is an expert at solving all kinds of transport issues. And that includes shipping cars from auctions all over the country! Our staff will help ship your auction win to your doorstep!
We completely understand that it is not easy to settle on your definitive vehicle and when you do find that perfect fit, you should be able to get it hassle-free. We are here to help you ship your perfect vehicle from any auction in the country to your door!
Auction Win Shipping with Richmond Auto Transport
At Richmond Auto Transport we know that you might need to transport your ideal vehicle from an auto auction to your home. And, since it can be a real inconvenience, not to mention expensive, we have designed this service for you. Richmond Auto Transport aims to take away the issue of moving your auto from an auction by effectively and safely taking care of the shipping process for you.
Richmond Auto Transport always offers door-to-door service as a standard feature. This means we will pick up your vehicle right from the auto auction and ship it directly to you. No pick-up points, no need to move to get your vehicle, no hassle! And, even better, we can pick-up and drop-off anywhere in the country. This even includes Alaska and Hawaii.
Safe and Secure Shipping Services
All of our shipping services always come with two choices to choose from: Open and Enclosed Auto Shipping. Both are perfectly safe, but depending on your needs one might suit you better than the other. We also offer hot shot shipping in both open and enclosed options. If you need to stick to a budget, the Open Shipping option is our most popular choice. But, if you need added safety for your auto, maybe you want to go for the Enclosed Shipping. Nonetheless, both are perfectly secure.
What’s more, Richmond Auto Transport can ship any kind of vehicle you need. From cars to vans, RVs or motorcycles, we can take care of them all. And, if your vehicle is vintage or exotic, we can also provide premium transport services to make sure it is perfectly safe. Even if you are under a tight time frame, Richmond Auto Transport can offer Expedited Auto Shipping services for your auction vehicle as well.